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Dynamite Dialogue

Dynamite Dialogue

In his book Stein on Writing, Sol Stein points out that “Readers enjoy dialogue in stories and novels. Those same readers would hate reading court transcripts, even of dramatic confrontations. What makes dialogue interesting and so much actual talk...

I Get Knocked Down

It’s going to happen. A crit partner is going to offend you. An agent is going to reject your query. A publisher is going to pass on your story. A reviewer is going to HATE what you wrote. And the nay-sayers in your life are going to shake their heads and give...


I think we all want to belong. I love the word. It sounds nice. It feels nice. Belonging—a warm, heavy blanket that wraps around us to keep us safe from the biting cold of winter. Inherently inclusive.And yet, the definition of “belong” feels exclusive. be•long...

What do I believe?

Why am I a writer? Why did I choose this vocation (because it’s way more than a job)?I’ve thought about this before but Robin Sullivan’s seminar on marketing and Sierra Gardner’s post really had me digging deep for the real answer, not the “right” one.I...