by D.B. Smyth | @DB_Smyth | May 23, 2013 | Beautiful Things, Gratitude
Gratitude conjures for me thoughts of words expressed and notes written. It’s always saying thank you. It’s being aware of what I have and how lucky/blessed/privileged I might be. But this weekend, as I served lunch to low income/homeless members of my...
by D.B. Smyth | @DB_Smyth | May 20, 2013 | Fresh Start
Don’t you ever want a fresh start? A way to make today the day, the beginning, without people looking over your shoulder at all the Past you’re pulling behind you. Some trunks burst with pain and heartache and shame while others–often the heaviest...
by D.B. Smyth | @DB_Smyth | Sep 26, 2012 | Beautiful Things, Featured Articles, Gratitude
Want to change your mind? Be grateful for something. Anything. Today I’m grateful for the process. What process? Is it too lame to say any process? But specifically I’m grateful for the process of change—the time it takes to shift from one way of being,...
by D.B. Smyth | @DB_Smyth | Sep 24, 2012 | Fresh Start
Fresh Start – anything uplifting or smile inducing that makes Monday a look-forward-to rather than a holy-crap-it’s-here kind of day. 🙂 This is one of my anthem songs–a song I play when I need to get charged and shift my mood. I love starting my week...
by D.B. Smyth | @DB_Smyth | Sep 17, 2012 | Beautiful Things, Fresh Start
Believe in yourself Believe in your dreams Believe in your choices Believe your needs are important Believe the people in your life want you in theirs, not because they pity you, but because they love you Believe all good things are available to you Believe in...